Soil Universal; Hard Water

Soft Water & Reverse Osmosis

Coco Universal; Hard Water

Soft water & Reverse Osmosis

Coco Universal; Hard Water

Soft water & Reverse Osmosis

BIG Plant Science Fertilizer schedules

On this page you will find all our fertilizer schedules. If you need help finding the right form or are looking for more information about our fertilizer forms, you’ve come to the right place.

Which fertilizer schedule should you choose?

If you grow in Soil and use tap water, select the Soil fertilizer chart. If you grow in Soil and use reverse osmosis, rainwater or have soft water from your tap, choose soft water & reverse osmosis. The same applies if you grow in coco or hydro, then you need to use the right scheme depending on the type of water you use.

Is my water hard or soft?

If you use tap water, you most likely have hard water and should follow the normal fertilizer schedule. This is true for most areas in England. The easiest way to check is by inspecting your electric kettle—if it’s full of limescale, you have hard water and should use the normal schedule and use BIG GROW, BIG BLOOM & BIG CALCIUM as your base fertilizer.
If your kettle is completely clean and shiny, you have soft water and should follow the fertilizer schedule designed for soft water.
For more precision, you can consult a water hardness map for your region. These maps often work better on desktops than mobile devices.
If you live in a soft water area or use rainwater or reverse osmosis (RO) water exclusively, it’s recommended to use the soft water fertilizer schedule or the reverse osmosis (RO) schedule for optimal results. In this case, use RO-Base as your base fertilizer instead of BIG GROW and BIG BLOOM.